Can Tapping Soothe Hidden Bushfire Memories?
The horrors of bushfires don’t go away when the last fire is out. Effects can live on for months or years in the minds and hearts – and bodies -- of many people , whether their involvement was actual or as a witness. Traumatised survivors often try to suffer in...
Woo-woo goes mainstream — Australian Womens Weekly and ‘your energy body…and EFT tapping
When the nationally popular Australian Women’s Weekly runs an article supporting mental health that talks about ‘strengthening your energy body’ and ‘connecting to your Higher Self’ -- as it does this month (November 2020) – then we can see that the cutting-edge...
Are you ‘too sensitive’? Try the tapping method —
Are you someone who feels emotions deeply, and can’t hide this? Do you feel the suffering of others? Have people told you, ‘You’re just too sensitive, let it go!’If so, perhaps you are one of the 20% of humans who fit the sensitive temperament profile...
EFT by a newbie averts man’s amputation
I found this fascinating account in my EFT archives from EFT founder Gary Craig in 2006. The late EFT Master Patricia Carrington Ph. D. tells the story of Dutchman ‘Hans’ and his physiotherapist/EFT newbie Jan Scholtes. I have paraphrased. ‘”Hans’...
The client who couldn’t sit down
‘Hi, please take a seat,’ I said to my new client, whom I’ll call Ellie, a retired librarian with a sad smile who had booked a one-hour session. Ellie said, ‘No, I’ll stand thanks, I can’t sit down.’ ‘Oh,’ I said., ‘Um…er… Sure.’ In my 35 years...
Tapping Away Claustrophobia in an MRI machine
Terror in an MRI machine is not uncommon. The scanner is large and cylindrical, and a patient needs to lie still while enclosed inside it for quite some time. In such a situation, some people feel trapped and can panic. My new client Julia had claustrophobia. She...
Tapping Away the Hidden Trauma of Miscarriage
Although one pregnancy in four is lost to miscarriage in Australia, most non-mothers have no idea of the traumatic aftereffects on a woman who suffers this death of a wanted baby-to-be. So such women often don’t get the care and consideration they need. ...
Heart Palpitations Yield to EFT Tapping
Jody had started having heart palpitations that frightened her so much, she was about to go to a doctor for a heart checkup and medication. Her husband and teenage children were also worried about her. I happened to be visiting a neighbour when Jody arrived in tears...
Are You Too Sensitive? Try EFT tapping!
Are you someone who feels emotions deeply, and can’t hide this? Do you feel the suffering of others? Have people told you, ‘You’re just too sensitive, let it go!’ If so, perhaps you are one of the 20% of humans who fit the sensitive temperament profile now accepted...
Ecoanxiety – Do You Suffer from this?
Are you depressed and can’t stop worrying about the state of the planet? About climate change? Damage to our global environment? And how blind people are to all this? Your symptoms may include panic attacks, obsessive thinking, loss of appetite, and insomnia,...
Is Chronic Pain Inevitable? (‘Because…’?) Maybe Not, Try EFT Tapping
Do you know that many people whose X-rays show skeletal damage have no pain, while many others with identical X-rayed conditions daily battle terrible pain for years? Surprisingly -- modern clinical experience shows that unresolved emotions and traumas can play...
EFT Tapping Relieves the Stresses on Gifted Children
Gifted children can suffer from special stresses because of their gifts, and this can hold them back from demonstrating their amazing potentials. Some gifted children are successfully using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping) to quickly overcome their...
Worried About Worrying? Try EFT Tapping
If you’re often anxious, that’s a worry in itself. You're not alone in that. Anxiety as a response to stress is close to being the world's No. 1 health problem these days. Two-thirds of visits to doctors are because of stress. We can use the word ‘worry’ to...
Angry Words with Your Partner? Heart Risk Factors Make EFT Tapping Attractive
If you’re in an unhappy marriage where you and your spouse have many hostile arguments, you’re not only stressed — but according to researchers, you are also doubling your risk of developing heart disease. Heart disease is known as Australia’s biggest killer....
Do You Procrastinate? Try EFT Tapping
Millions of people put things off -- and off -- and off. But there are often unwanted consequences. You can lose great opportunities this way, lose friends, lose jobs, lose money. Can a person stop procrastinating? Yes, say EFT tappers. Emotional Freedom Techniques...
New Hope for Serious illnesses? Radical Findings Involve Childhood Trauma
(See full article on RESOURCES) How could your major illness possibly be involved with something bad that happened to you as a child, up to 18? Surprisingly, modern researchers suggest that following this lead could hold promise for you. In the world’s largest ongoing...
How Does EFT Tapping Rewire Your Brain?
Did you know you can evolve -- or rewire -- your brain ON PURPOSE? If you think your life experience needs improvement, explore Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping). Modern research shows that your thoughts, feelings and experiences (real or imagined) are...
‘He Broke My Heart’ – EFT Tapping for Relationships Stresses
Jenny had become deeply involved with a new lover, but after two months he had inexplicably dropped her. She was shattered. She spent the next two months suffering emotional pain, which interfered with her professional work, before she turned to Emotional Freedom...
How’s Your ‘Mind/Body/Money’ State? Try EFT Tapping, Say Business Experts
Using EFT tapping for personal business success has a growing number of business professionals around the world doing something extraordinary to quickly change their state of mind and body towards higher success. They are learning to tap on themselves to release...
Like to Eliminate a Craving? EFT Tapping Shows You How
Want to eliminate a craving? Chocolate? Cakes? Sweets? Coke? An EFT trainee with a 4-litre-a-day Coke-drinking habit did just that, in 3 minutes, at an EFT Certificate Level 1 training weekend. She did this by tapping on herself while she said a few...