What is Matrix Reimprinting with EFT?
This is an innovative adaptation of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping) that can also dramatically improve health and wellbeing, emotionally and physically.
It allows you to gently access and transform memories that may be holding you trapped in the past – memories you might not even realise are influencing you now. The process focusses the freed energy on shaping your future more positively.
You can learn to use Matrix Reimprinting for yourself, or you can have the expertise of a qualified EFT practitioner.
The modality was developed by EFT Master Karl Dawson in 2010. He is continually refining and empowering it for more usefulness.
What does ‘matrix’ mean?
Matrix is a quantum science term referring to the universal web of energy that unites us all.
What is Matrix Reimprinting good for?
As with EFT, it is good for improving any emotional or physical personal challenge, such as neutralizing relationship issues, traumas, fears, anxieties, negative thinking and beliefs, phobias…and many more.
Rewrite your past, transform your future…
A case study:
When I asked a new client who, eighteen months ago, had left her husband of twenty years, ‘What would you like to improve in your life?’ she said: ‘I just can’t get my ex-husband out of my mind. I don’t ever want to be with him again, but I can’t stop thinking of him with his new girlfriend. It’s interfering with my life.’
She added, ‘I don’t want to talk to him, he’s a total moron, but I have to, about our daughters, and I get so stressed. I just want to feel calm and relaxed about it all.’
I guided her through a 90-minute session of Matrix Reimprinting about this.
At her next session a week later she said, ‘It’s marvellous! Now I can talk to him calmly, normally. And I never even think of him otherwise.’ She was already happy ad busy with new interests.
The future she had wanted – free from familiar stress around her ex-husband – had come true in under a week. While not all problems yield quite so quickly, it does happen.