Private Sessions
I’ve always secretly felt not good enough in spite of my successes. Now after this Package of five EFT sessions I feel I am no longer “driving with the hand brake on”. I’m finding my pace, I’ve lost a lot of fear of being judged, I’m able to do what I feel is right, and to ask for help if I need it. I have just put forward a big project at work that I really want to do, and it has been approved. I feel lighter and happier, a load has been lifted off me, and I’m excited about what’s ahead.
After our last session I have been in such a good place. It was completely life changing! I really did go from a deep consuming sadness to feeling free and completely healed. So powerful!
‘After this tapping session the depression I’d felt for years has very much gone. Some “weight” lifted off me. I feel calmer, more accepting, less striving. I’m focussed on the present, enjoying what’s happening now instead of worrying about the future. I feel much more present, more grounded.
‘I’ve also had realisations about some mindsets I’m carrying that I need to tap away. For example, “What will people think of me, will I be good enough?” underlies many of my actions. And I am now wondering, “Am I perpetuating my ill health myself?” and if so can I tap this pattern away?’
(Annie: ‘Yes, many people do’).
I also wanted to let you know that the pain in my back had completely gone by the time I got home after our session. And when I woke up this morning I had no pain in my body! Love tapping!
Once again, Annie, you have been just incredible, a literal life saver. Thank you so much.
I’m experiencing changes since doing the tapping, my confidence is increasing and an opportunity to run a counselling group came along. I see how my internal limits have held me back. When I feel the stress I tap. I’m looking forward to our appointment, the tapping has been such a big turning point and will continue to be a supporting resource.
Since I had a consult with you many years ago, I still use the tapping technique. I find it very calming, especially tapping on the insides of my fingers, which calms me a lot in various situations of life and travel. It’s nice to be able to tell friends about this method too if they are in a stressful situation.
EFT has been, and continues to be, a huge help with my overwhelming grief for the recent death of my little grandson in a terrible car accident that also resulted in other family members spending considerable time in hospital.
Two months after the accident the grief was still too much to bear. After my first EFT session I was able to talk about what happened without crying. After a few more sessions I feel I am not trapped nor overcome by the grief any more. I am able to tap through the grief faster to leave me feeling much calmer and therefore able to take care of a number of other urgent family concerns. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I am in a much more peaceful state. I know that I can also use tapping on any other problems. I have to thank my friend who recommended tapping.
I’m from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I work with Annie O’Grady via Skype. She is intuitive, compassionate and a wonderful EFT practitioner and teacher. Together we effectively neutralized many levels of sexual trauma, battery, chronic pain, severe PTSD. EFT works and Annie’s a good guide.
As an actor, two days before I was about to open in a play, I was having trouble remembering my lines. After an EFT tapping session with Annie, my focus improved and my belief in self, so there were no longer the blocks to clutter my memory!
Annie has helped me with many issues using EFT tapping. She has transformed my life by working with my childhood trauma, pain relief and anxiety issues. I continue to consult her as she is the best in the business!
Thank you for your support through the EFT mentoring sessions we have had. I have greatly appreciated your support and expertise. Thank you for your warm generous unconditional positive regard and professionalism. Also you have helped me look at the strengths and unique experience I have to offer. I look forward to having more sessions with you in the future.
I’ve made a lot of progress in six sessions of EFT tapping, it’s a solid foundation. I’ve benefitted a lot, learned a lot. Without a lot of work, I’ve tackled some big issues in my life in this short time. Tapping is a great tool I can take anywhere, it’s so soothing. I was outside a coffee shop waiting for a friend and feeling a bit nervous so I started tapping – I thought, I don’t care if someone sees me — and a woman stopped and said ‘Are you tapping? Good on you!
Annie offers a professional, person-centred EFT service to her clients. I found Annie helpful, caring, and non-judgmental in her therapeutic approach, and I felt safe during the sessions. Annie also offered support outside of a session when it was needed; and was very flexible scheduling in appointments. I found EFT to be an extremely gentle, yet powerful approach to releasing and healing childhood trauma. It is my understanding that EFT is an evidence-based approach, and I would highly recommend this therapy to others in need of emotional healing.
EFT is the best thing that has happened to me, it has changed my life. It’s so exciting, I want everyone to do it! After doing some training and having six sessions with Annie I am so much stronger, I’m really grounded, my strength is solid now, really, really good. I’m able to stand up for myself now, I’m owning the me who has always been there. I can help myself and my family too with tapping.
‘All my life whenever I’ve had to speak in public, or perform in any way, or prove myself, I would have a terrible ache in my jaw, that would last a day or so. Nothing I could do would stop it happening.
‘Through working with Annie with EFT I recognised that it came from a childhood need, feeling I had to show I could “do it myself” and not let anyone know I was afraid. This was connected with authority figures. I had spent some time in an orphanage, then two years being fostered by a large, very autocratic man whose opinions of me terrified me. My fear of being judged unworthy seemed to clamp painfully in my jaw.
‘After one session I am now freely able to speak in public. The jaw ache does not happen any more!’
I have completed eleven tapping sessions with Annie and have found tapping to be a huge turning point for me.
I initially began to work with Annie to lose weight, but have learnt that my weight issues were due to so many underlying factors from a traumatic childhood, divorce and trying to navigate life as a single mother of two.
Since discovering tapping, I have noticed a significant improvement in my general self-esteem and self-worth.
I am calmer and stronger dealing with situations on a day to day basis and have removed alcohol from my daily routine, instead I turn to tapping!
Although I still have more stress and issues to release, I have a practical way to help myself every day. I feel better and see a bright future ahead.
Thank you Annie, you are an absolute angel and a master of your trade. I feel very privileged to have had the pleasure of working with you.
Today’s session has made such a huge difference, I could hardly believe the transformation.
It’s amazing how helpful these tapping processes are. I used to hate myself and often felt suicidal, but I don’t since having a few sessions with Annie. I feel emotional burdens lifting with each session, it’s incredible.
Six months ago I started tapping sessions with Annie about getting the job I wanted. I felt pessimistic for various reasons. Two months ago we used tapping with the affirmation “I love being in my perfect work now, and I deserve it!” Yesterday the firm unexpectedly offered it to me and I took it! I’m so excited!
I’m a science teacher, so I was very sceptical of EFT tapping at first. If you’d said six months ago that I would be tapping on myself to feel better, I would have thought you were mad. But I was very stressed, and my sister thought EFT would do me good, so I tried it. EFT is incredibly calming. It’s excellent. It has straightened out serious issues of conflict, loss and indecision for me, after only 5 sessions. And I now have a strategy to cope with daily stress myself.
I am amazed at what happened at Annie’s workshop on Easing Chronic Pain, blown away by it all, and so happy with the results. I highly recommend tapping after the profound results I had. I will be doing Annie’s Freedom Breakthrough Package. And now I have the tools to help my 20-year-old son.
In these few tapping sessions I am finding ME, that’s a huge deal. I am calmer, clearer, more empowered. I’ve just been able to make a huge decision I had been putting off, and I’m feeling massive relief.
Six months ago I started tapping sessions about getting the job I want. I felt pessimistic for various reasons. Two months ago we started tapping on “I love being in my perfect work now, and I deserve it!’ Yesterday, unexpectedly, my firm offered it to me and I took it! I’m so excited!
I have felt so calm today, I keep trying to assess how I’m feeling and trying to revisit the feelings we worked on yesterday and they are just no longer there. I cannot wait to learn more in your workshop.
After our three sessions, art class today was the first experience I’ve had feeling comfortable and not inferior! It was so lovely.
EFT is a very powerful technique. It fully embraces what is happening and what we’re feeling as it really is – not simply trying to change it through positive thinking. I now understand that the process rewires the brain so a cognitive shift takes place!
I have learned that I can’t really go wrong with using EFT. I can use it for any issue or emotion that I am experiencing and that it’s a very creative process. I love that even when I am feeling anxious and NOT wanting to do EFT because I am tired, etc., I can just tap on THAT and it removes the blockages!
‘I’m surprising myself. After a few sessions with Annie, I’m much better. I can feel the difference. I tap for myself for anxiety. I’m much freer in my body. My chiropractor said my spine is improving. And as a bonus from tapping, I’m benefitting from being almost pain free. My temperament is changing. I’m much more assertive and confident, I stood up to my husband’s criticisms, and I’m happy to be letting go of years of built-up anger.’
When I tap I am amazed at how quickly the feelings subside and the events become mere observations and dissipate. This technique has really boosted the results of other modalities I am using too, and I’m now in such a good place in my mind and emotions, for the first time in my life.
I’ve labored all my life to improve my reading disability. I get each word’s meaning, and then it’s gone. So embarrassing. But at the end of my first tapping session when Annie asked me to read a paragraph aloud, I just zoomed in and read it aloud! And understood it! After the session I read a whole child’s book aloud to my husband. This tapping is fantastic!
Sensational! So wonderful to be experiencing freedom! I can verify Annie’s professionalism, she is mind-blowing for sure.
Annie is a master practitioner. EFT has enabled me to move past things that have held me back my entire life. If you are looking for lasting change that translates to your experience of life then you must work with Annie. She makes it fun and gets results!!! Highly recommended.
Annie is a one-in-a-million inspiring woman, not only does she have the skills to teach, but she also has the skills to put EFT into practice for her clients. So on both accounts I would recommend a session with Annie, to clear any past blockages and or also attend one of her EFT Training courses.
You have helped me out of a hole I never thought I could escape! I just wanted to thank you for your sincerity and caring heart.