Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT
Praise for Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT
Karl Dawson, EFT Master, Hay House Author and Creator of Matrix Reimprinting:
If you’ve heard of the ever-growing excitement regarding EFT and want to know more, then this book is a wonderful introduction to these life-changing and world changing techniques. Annie’s book, Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT, is a wonderful addition to the existing literature on the amazing technique EFT. Annie cleverly introduces the basic EFT skills, which are easily applicable by readers of any age or background, gradually expanding into more advanced uses and concepts which accompany these techniques.
Dr Peta Stapleton, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, author of EFT research studies:
Annie, I just wanted to let you know what a gift the book is – I have read it now and enjoyed your style and examples immensely. I saw my 4-year-old carrying the book around (she loves books) and she asked me what it was about – I said tapping (both my girls tap and have tappy bears) and she said, “Oh cool,” and kept carrying it around – maybe it will work by osmosis.
Gillian Mears, award-winning author:
Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT is presently by my bedside as a lively reminder of many wonderful weekly EFT sessions with Annie. Its presence helps make me braver in facing difficult aspects of my past as well as the daily, less than lovely, realities of my 17th year of living with multiple sclerosis. (Sadly, Gillian died in 2016.)
Sue Brown, remedial therapist:
Have just started your book and I LOVE it!! You certainly know how to grab a reader and come from your heart.
Sandra Russo, artist:
Annie O’Grady’s latest book, Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT, is a great introduction to the Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT or Tapping) a self help-aid. The explanations of what it is and how to use it are clear, with information about the beginnings and the growth of EFT. Information from various studies is also supplied for those of a questioning, knowledge seeking nature. But I found the case studies to be the most inspiring & helpful thing about this wonderful book. Get it and use it as a primer for many of the things that may trouble you. Thank you Annie, and your clients who willingly shared their story.