

LEVEL 1.  I learned the freedom that can come with tapping., and how it feels in my body to release a block. Learned a lot, course was well set up and a good foundation.

LEVEL 2.  The different techniques were explained more in depth.  I learned how tapping can be used everywhere for everyone, it is an amazing tool, I can’t wait to work on myself so much more, and my family, friends and animals. The booklet is amazing with step by step techniques to follow, easy to understand and use.


Sales Rep

I learned the importance of practice!


Admin, Counsellor

I really enjoyed learning and practising in a really supportive and collaborative group setting. It was great to have the opportunity to practise with others and help others at the same time. It helped deepen my understand of and skills in EFT. Also I learned that you can tap on so many things, and that it can be so effective (and efficiently effective) for almost, if not everything.



EFT is simple once you follow the protocols.  You can do it for yourself, and help others. You really can’t go wrong.



EFT works.  I felt it.  Thanks for such a wonderful workshop- my sister and I both really enjoyed it- I continue to not smoke cigarettes, and am finding the more I use tapping the more I believe in the power of it.

The other great benefit is in changing one’s old story by changing thought limiting beliefs that no longer serve. I highly recommend it.


Education services manager

Even better the second time! I was reminded how powerful and encompassing EFT is.


Health practitioner (refresher)

Level 1 was an eye-opening weekend, and something I’ve put to use already. For example, imagining tapping on the points when you are lying in bed trying to sleep, because that has been really useful. The course was a highly practical and informative introduction to EFT.  I have learned a lifelong skill.



EFT does work, and it’s possible to resolve many traumas.



The Level 2 course was highly effective to understand EFT better.  I learned the techniques, things to be mindful of and the misconceptions that can limit the process


Counsellor/ Psychotherapist

I enjoyed the two days of Level 1 training and I recommend it.  

Practising EFT was very enlightening as the body changed.  I know this 

will be of great help to myself.  Annie is an excellent teacher.



The Level 1 was an enlightening course that profoundly changed people’s lives.  It deepened my understanding of EFT on every level.


University Lecturer

This training weekend was a refresher for me and I have picked up even more info than the first time I did it.


Community Nurse

I learned I have the power to transform my life, I’m not destined to be a victim of my circumstances. The workshop rated above my expectations.


I have learned a method to control my emotions and make myself relax.


Really enjoyable and a great introduction to EFT.  Amazed at the ease of EFT for shifting things!



A hands-on learning approach, lots of practical exercises to practise techniques.


Social Worker

I feel so passionate about EFT and I’m really excited to learn more in the Level 2 training!  My tapping is going great, I’m tapping every day on myself and have also been able to really help my boyfriend and my mum with work stresses they were having.  My mum even said to me today that she’s amazed the anxiety and overwhelm she was feeling at the start of the week hasn’t returned, despite experiencing the same old triggers.  It really is so wonderful to be able to help others with this as well as myself!


Project coordinator

I now feel I can accept myself for who I am.

Tracy Roberts

After two years of tapping, at the course I managed to find a few other core issues,  through the group setting, that I may not have found tapping on my own.


Finance Officer

What I liked best was actually doing EFT and getting immediate benefit.



This course has given me a method to set my life on track to live the life I desire.



This course (Level 1) is going to change my quality of life, where I can use learnings to reduce stress, assess and overall get down to specifics of the cause.  A great course, and I’m grateful to have started.  Annie is thorough, she has a wonderful way of explaining the process with both examples and physical practice.



Women feel that the personal benefits they have received from attending Annie’s EFT programs at this centre have been life-changing, insightful, excellent, and have helped greatly with physical, emotional and psychological health. Annie is a great communicator who delivers programs that can be applied to all aspects of life, in self healing and stress managements. Our participants’ overall comment regarding Annie’s courses was “Please do more!!’” Great work, Annie.

Team Leader Michelle

Stepney Women’s Community Centre

The class has been an eye-opener in terms of how far and wide EFT can be applied, and how effective it can be in alleviating many different physical, emotional and psychological ailments — and how quickly you can get real results and significant changes.


Healthwork Executive

I have a new sense of hope. And this is something I can teach my grandchildren in times of stress.



I’m beginning a lifelong journey of self help.  I have a better understanding of how EFT can be effective with physical problems.


Case Worker

I liked the relaxed yet informative manner in which it was presented. The amount that was able to be covered both in theory and practice was terrific, I thoroughly enjoyed it.



I can verify Annie’s professionalism, she is mind-blowing for sure!


via Facebook

I attended the Level 1 EFT International training this weekend and absolutely appreciate Annie’s knowledge, guidance, sense of humour, compassion and passion for EFT! Not only is the modality a must for self care, for practitioners such as Counsellors it is a valuable therapy tool. Thank you Annie



Annie is very experienced and knowledgeable. She also fosters a space of empathy, safety and gentle encouragement.



Thank you once again for providing such a strong and inspiring foundation in EFT. Your guidance has truly empowered me to prioritise the wellbeing and safety of my clients in everything I do.

Rose Genesio

cultural wellbeing consultant

Level 1 Certificate course – Excellent.  I am out of words.  Tried so many modalities but none came close to my two days of EFT.


Social Worker

Level 2 was fantastic,  a gift to one’s self that keeps on giving, invaluable wealth of knowledge. ‘  Next day:  ‘I’ve been making massive ground with my own Tapping, and also I watched a video of a man teetering on an incredibly high building — and I didn’t even flinch!


Dreadlock artist

Level 1 is a fantastic course, will certainly be doing Level 2.  I learned to heal myself and others, and that healing others helps me to heal myself. I learned that my life is in my own hands, and that shifting timelines is easier than I thought.


Dreadlock artist

During the Level 2 Certificate course I lost the bad back pain I have had for so long.’ 4 days later: ‘It is still gone.  I can’t remember a time when I did not have back pain. Thank you for allowing me the time and space to do the work I did in the group.’



Attending the trainings as a refresher, I always find new understandings on already learned techniques.


EFT practitioner candidate

Practising the different types of techniques was very useful.


NDIS planner

I’m grateful for the tools and knowledge I now have to support myself and  my family. I like the interconnectedness of this modality with other evidence-based therapies, e.g. EMDR and other trauma-informed practices.



A well-run course with so much insight shared, and lots of practice.


Technical writer

Wonderful training, very informative, well delivered, interactive, great training by Annie.


Art teacher/ artist

I have just attended the Level 2 course.  Thanks, Annie, these courses have changed my life.  I’m so happy that I found EFYT.  I can help myself, my family and future clients with the enormous number of tapping techniques.


Dace Teacher

Best weekend ever!

Kathy (via Facebook)

I’m excited to learn even more of EFT after the Level 1 course.  It was an efficiently and briskly run course with lots of humor.


Cleaner/ Gardener

The Level 1 training was a lovely and life-changing experience.  


Bioresonance therapist

I really liked Annie’s style of teaching, she was very clear sharing the information and very direct.  The time of the entire course was used totally for EFT, and we still had fun.


Dance Teacher

I discovered that you can have what you want, by unearthing the blocks.


I attended Annie’s EFT Grief and Loss Worksop, my first time trying this out with guidance and in a group setting.  Wow, it’s powerful!

And Annie was warm and generous throughout.  Highly recommended for anyone needing relief from life’s stressors, whatever they may be.  Plenty of options to deepen your self-healing too.  I’ll be back for more!


This gift is fantastic.  I had major breakthroughs that I had never connected before despite years of inner work.



The course has given me very powerful skills that will help me in all areas of my life to feel calmer, increase my self confidence, to cope better with stressful situations.  I was able to sleep much better and not wake up during the night feeling anxious.  It’s just wonderful.


Office Worker

Annie is an amazing trainer and practitioner.  I would highly recommend taking part in a training with her!  The skills learned in this course have given me the confidence and abilities to help myself and those around me.  I feel like I have choice and control over my thoughts, health, behaviours and life in general.  This course also showed me how gentle and easy it is to neutralise a traumatic memory with EFT.  Annie makes it seem so effortless and natural (though after Level 2, I now know how many skills are actually involved!)


I’m now able to use EFT in my everyday life.



Real results, fast!  Decades-old issues that have passed on to next generations have eased away.


I feel great and free, unbelievable.  It feels amazing to be free from certain issues that have been with me a long, long time.



I am empowered in a way I never have been before.



Love the extensive training manual


Zoo Keeper

I literally witnessed how EFT could alleviate an individual’s suffering before my very own eyes.  The course was relaxed, structured, informative and experiential.


Recruitment Officer

Since Level 1 I have worked on physical pain and fatigue successfully.  Also, I have shifted a huge resentment I felt towards my father, and things have been much better since.  I’ve worked on acceptance of myself the way I am right now (rather than always trying to be something different) and have also tapped on releasing a spiritual block, which also seems to have worked. I’ve even given my Dad and Grandad a photocopy of the tapping points and told them about tapping and they are using it often and getting positive results!  I can’t wait for LEVEL 2 !


Office Worker

I got confidence and incentive to use tapping for myself and friends and family.


Tenancy Officer

I got practical skills to use myself. I experienced positive results today.



Annie is a wonderful teacher and a loving, caring person.


via Facebook

I attended the Level 1 EFT INTERNATIONAL training and absolutely appreciate Annie’s knowledge, guidance, sense of humor, compassion and passion for EFT!  Not only is the modality a must for self care, and for practitioners such as counsellors, it is a valuable therapy too.



I would recommend studying EFT with Annie O’Grady. Having just completed Cert One over two days, it was a comprehensive and thorough course and Annie’s knowledge is extensive. Thank you Annie (& all participants) for an incredible weekend of learning and self discovery/care through EFT.


Annie is a wonderful educator, very experienced in all that she does.  I found this training to be so valuable, as Annie helped me realise how easily accessible EFT is to me, really is at my fingertips.  I recommend that anybody who is experiencing stress in any way do this course, it is very personal.


Registered Nurse

LEVEL 1.  I learned there is hope in healing yourself.  Great course full of incredible information and practical tools to take away not just for me but friends and family.  Annie was very lovely and patient with us all the time.

LEVEL 2.   Very grateful for the enormous amount of healing that occurred for me. Annie made the course(s) fun too, we had many laughs along with learning so much.  Thankful for the safe environment to release core issues.



This course was well led and covered lots of valuable information to put into practice.  Thank you Annie.



Thanks again for the wonderful training! I learned to access the exact tools I need to continue to heal myself and the things that bother me on a daily basis. I’ve been able to establish what works for me and what techniques are suitable for each situation, as well as how to identify when something is too big for me to handle without the guidance of a practitioner.  It’s given me the confidence to move forward and work towards a happier and healthier nervous system without feeling overwhelmed by the size of the task.  EFT makes it feel so easy and achievable for me now.


Retail Sales

I particularly enjoyed all the practical practice, pairing up and having a go!


Great content, simple to remember and execute. I learned basic EFT which can help me day to day and those around me. And I can use these techniques in my profession, teaching students, showing them EFT when they are anxious, overwhelmed, nervous, etc.  And I can use EFT to help with burnout at work.



I learned that what happens in a traumatic incident literally affects you and your decisions for the rest of your life (if it is not resolved). We had the opportunity to work with others, and the clear demonstrations revealed the processes.


Artist/ Lecturer

I loved the training facilitators’ willingness to help the participants and include everyone.



Level 1 was a lovely experience with a beautiful bunch of people.  

Very pleased with the skills I have picked up. Very enjoyable to interact with like-minded people!


University Student

I valued the reading, discussion, practice processes…a focussed yet nurturing interaction.


Retired Teacher

I discovered that there is a safer way to go through my traumas and blocks to clear them, so I can have a better quality of life and not live in a fear state most of the time.


After the tapping workshop last week I noticed I was able to speak up confidently at work about speaking up in meetings.  And my Team Leader opened up to me about her anxiety,  and I was able to speak about tapping.  I very often keep things to myself in fear of being judged but I didn’t have any problems


I attended the Level 1 EFT INTERNATIONAL training and absolutely appreciate Annie’s knowledge, guidance, sense of humor, compassion and passion for EFT!  Not only is the modality a must for self care, and for practitioners such as counsellors, it is a valuable therapy too.


I got emotional freedom from two major events in my life.



I loved listening to other people’s problems being solved.



The course was fantastic.  I feel very relieved that I can now use EFT throughout the rest of my life, whenever I need it.  I will value this forever.


Nurse Administrator

I feel I’ve found a solution to the problems.  There is a way.



EFT really works, you feel the instant results.


Paramedic Aide

It has been an absolute pleasure to participate in this course (Level 1) and have Annie as our trainer, she is an  informative and experienced teacher.



One day after attending the introductory weekend course on EFT tapping (Level 1) , a graduate wrote, ‘Thank you again for such a magical weekend. I truly have a new lease in life and have used tapping so much already since Sunday. It helped me through a training session I presented to 30 people. It helped me through a friend’s work resignation. It helped me to remove emotional charge about going to work today. It helped my five-year-old son quickly let go of an upset about school. I can’t thank you enough Annie. I will certainly be taking the advanced weekend training course!’


Business Manager

Something I can take away and use immediately


Financial Planner & Ambulance Volunteer

Thank you for your excellent training recently. I’ve been practising tapping and really loving the sense of peace I feel when I go through the process with each issue.  I’ll be keen to do more training in the future.  Thanks again, you’re a great teacher!


Team Leader

This gives me hope for the future. I liked feeling EFT working.


Export Manager

Simple and clear to follow, lots of information, a safe environment.



A method to systematically work through issues, and I feel confident to do them myself, and that they’ll work.


Personal Assistant

The level one course with Annie was great. It was a very safe and relaxed atmosphere and the teachings were clear and simple, with lots of helpful demonstrations and practice sessions. Annie’s passion and knowledge about EFT and how it can facilitate healing is very inspiring and her deep desire to help people heal and thrive is evident.



Loved the whole recent Tapping Retreat that Annie did. Enjoyed all of the interesting program. The Retreat setting encouraged easier and stronger communications and connections between like-minded people.


Office worker

Yesterday I attended Annie’s EFT Grief and Loss workshop, my first time trying this out with guidance and in a group setting. Wow it’s powerful! And Annie was warm and generous throughout. Highly recommended for anyone needing relief from life’s stressors, whatever they may be. Plenty of options to deepen your self healing too. I’ll be back for more! Thanks Annie!


via Facebook

The level one course with Annie was great. It was a very safe and relaxed atmosphere and the teachings were clear and simple, with lots of helpful demonstrations and practice sessions. Annie’s passion and knowledge about EFT and how it can facilitate healing is very inspiring and her deep desire to help people heal and thrive is evident.



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